Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

This year mother's day was very special because my family celebrated it twice. 

We celebrated at home together with my bf last wednesday, and my dad bought lots of food back home. 
We had chilli crabs with fried man tou, deer meat, roast pork, broccoli and soup. Yum yum!

And Jack's Place for dinner last sunday. 
We waited for 20 mins before we got a table and we were starving!

My fierce mummy! <3

Our family is a fan of fresh oysters, and without fail we will order the fresh oysters when we patronize Jack's Place. But that day we couldn't believe the fresh oysters would go out of stock!

 I decided to have a study break and met my bf for lunch yesterday!
Thai cuisine as usual but from a different restaurant, and nothing beats ah loy thai! :p

Friday, May 4, 2012

Post-exam Syndrome

 Last week I was having a mild fever, and rested in bed for 2 days!

When I recovered, my bf brought me to have something light for lunch last sunday.
We had dim sum from Geylang 126 and we refrained from ordering fried food.

So I just ended my first paper yesterday, and I couldn't stop whining to my bf!
And he said I am suffering from post-exam syndrome!
I hope I pass my econs paper *cross fingers*
I can't wait for exams to be over~